Evaluate the executives’ potential
Why evaluate the executives’ potential?
The value of an enterprise depends on the value of its personnel and his capacity to adapt to change.
You may ask why evaluate the executives’ potential? Aren’t they evaluated when they are recruited and again for their annual performance? But these two evaluations are based on their conformity to the present needs of the enterprise.
Evaluating the executives’ potential is important to:
- Anticipate their capacity to adapt to the evolution of the enterprise ;
- Be concerned with their development needs and their motivation in the future enterprise.
- Anticipate their capacity to adapt to the evolution of the enterprise
An enterprise that does not evaluate to integrate the new market needs or the new technology dies.
The latest 30 years, the challenge was the automatization, in the factory or in the office. That is why general education training took place hoping to allow the workers to adapt to the new machines. In the same way, initiating executives to HR or CRM software’s or CRM became crucial to improve the performance.
A few workers had to move to more basic task, as they could not adapt. Certain executives not opened to change ignored the computers in their office and went on using their old methods creating conflicts in the company about information management. Because the seniors could not handle this new culture, lot of anticipated retirement occurred in the 80’s.
We may conclude by saying that it is important to project oneself in time and appreciate the candidate’s ability to adapt to change. Moreover, regularly, during the appreciation interview or at another moment, one should update with them how they envision the evolution of the enterprise and their place in this new organization.
- To identify their development needs and their motivation in the enterprise.
The evaluation of the executive’s potential interview focuses on their long term expectations from the company. Two major factors: competencies and career management.
Competencies are naturally linked to their career plan but mostly to the evolution of the enterprise. Some field workers would like to become managers and certain managers want to go back to the field. Experts dedicated to studies want to go to marketing and people from marketing want to shift to communication. Integrating new tools, new activities, new responsibilities related to new partnerships or merging requires new competencies.
In other words, evaluating the executives’ potential is centered on their present competencies and the required competencies to meet the future needs of the enterprise and their career development. It also focuses on their motivation in their future in the evolution of the enterprise.
The talent of the interviewer is to listen to the person’s desire to help her find her place in the future of the enterprise. It is about cooperating to create the best version of the person and her evolution within the company or outside.
To sum it up, any organization that does not evaluate dies. The acceleration of technical and cultural, innovation, as well as the market trends, forces any organization to integrate the evolution of its executive’s competencies accordingly, taking into account their motivation. That is why it’s so important to evaluate the executives’ potential and not only their performance.
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