Mentally prepare every step of a departure negotiation

Mentally prepare every step of a departure negotiation

Negotiation preparation steps: mentally prepare every step of a departure negotiation


A negotiation, whether it is a hiring, a change or a leaving one is a step-by-step process. Some of those steps are short, discreet or on the contrary long and slow.

What’s for sure is that one key to success, as defined for the 2 parties to obtain the maximum possible or the best possible compromise, resides in the preparation.

Why is it necessary? Because avoiding it is extremely risky: sudden changes, impulsive and overreactions, lack of judgement between decoy strategy and authentic proposition from your counterpart …

Stress is the most common enemy in these matters of change. Preparation keeps it under control.

Coaching: every step of a departure negotiation

A good preparation consists in taking account every step of a departure negotiation:

–       Step back from the situation

–       Manage time

–       Control yourself

–       Show convictions

–       Show your inner strength

–       Understand your counterpart’s strength including mental

–       Avoid disturbances

–       Rely on a third-party person

–       Act within your skillset zone

Discovering the first two steps of a departure negotiation

Let’s look at the first 2 for the purpose of this article:

Step back from the situation

Your counterpart will try to impose his point of view which reflects his interest and to take your arguments apart to destabilize you and show strength and stability for himself.

Your negotiation can be lost or won purely on psychological aspects without ever going into the heart of the matter at hand.

If you are overwhelmed by your emotions, feelings such as fear and/or by the idea of the negative consequences on your professional or personal life, you will be vulnerable hence the importance of staying focused on your objectives.

The coaching will provide several techniques to stay connected and focused onto your objectives.

Manage time

This is a key point with regards to mental preparation. For those who want to conclude too quickly, negotiations always take too much time! And closing too quickly is is rarely a good idea and results are often frustrating.

A lasting negotiation is most of the time good news, say 2 or 3 months at least. If a satisfactory deal is cut before that timeframe, fine but to show that you’re not in a hurry is a strength.



Don’t give up as long as you think that you haven’t obtained the maximum possible at that time.

As long as your counterpart is willing to talk with you than there is always room for negotiation.

You have just discovered the first two steps of a departure negotiation.

To know more on the topic of mentally prepare every step of a departure negotiation or to contact a coach specialized in departure negotiation please use the enclosed contact form.

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