Making a living through coaching: go further with related searches

How to make a living from coaching by discovering the power of Google related searches

In this article on how to make a living from coaching I will further develop the topic of related searches that I had started to address in the article finding coaching clients by taking advantage of related searches on Google.

In my previous article, I showed you how I started with the keyword career transition coach and I tried to position myself on the associated search for career transition coach rates (in the French Market) by writing the article what is the rate of a career transition coach.

This last article, allowed me to position myself on the first page of Google in position zero, that is to say before all other search results.

In this article, I will show you all the power of related searches.

In fact, I will demonstrate how by positioning yourself on a related search, you can rank for multiple keywords.

More precisely, I will illustrate how positioning yourself in zero position on an related search can allow you to rank on other related searches as well as on your original keyword.

How do you go from zero position on a related search to the first page of Google for a keyword with a much higher search volume?

My choice to target a keyword for which there was no suitable answer, allowed me to gain the zero position for the keyword career transition coach (French Market).

I was also able to confirm the interest of this keyword on my Google Search Console which has now generated about 90 clicks.

But this quite satisfactory result, also allowed me to position myself on the first page of Google in the 6th place for an even more interesting keyword, namely career transition coach (French Market) with a search volume of 260 searches per month (according to semrush).

But what is the secret of this exceptional result?

It’s quite simple, what makes the difference is the interest in the related search and the lack of relevant results for the related search.

If a person is looking for a career transition coach, he or she may be at the very beginning of his or her search or in the decision phase.

But when a person wants to know the price of this particular service, we can assume that he or she is evaluating the real possibility of being supported by a coach.

In summary, as long as my article was the only one to answer this search, it received the vast majority of clicks.

This allowed it to move up the rankings not only for the related search but also for the more important search that is career transition coaching (French Market).

From one related search to another

By now, I think you have a good understanding of the potential of related searches to find coaching clients and increase the visibility of your practice.

Now I’ll show you how I also ranked on another related search.

I started with the keyword career transition coach (French Market), then I chose the keyword career transition coaching rates.

From a semantic and logical point of view, among the different associated searches proposed by Google, the closest related search to career transition coach is career transition coach training.

This is because some people might type in the keyword career transition coach to learn more about how to become a coach.

That’s why, with the same article, I ranked in the first page of google, in the 3rd spot for career transition coach training.

Conclusion on how to make a living from coaching by taking advantage of related searches on Google

In this article, I showed you how by answering a question (related search) to which there was no relevant answer, I was able to position myself at the same time on the main search for career transition coach and on the related search for career transition coach training (French Market).

If you want to learn more about how to get similar results for your coaching practice, I invite you to learn more about my marketing for coaches services, to write to me through the contact form or to call me at +33 6 69 46 03 79 or at WhatsApp +33 6 69 46 03 79.

Read this article in other languages

Français Vivre du coaching : aller plus loin avec les recherches associées
ItalianoVivere di coaching: andare più lontano con le ricerche associate

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