How to journal for better time management

How to journal for better time management

If you’re wondering how to start journaling to improve your time management, this article is for you.

Drawing on several studies, we’ll explore journaling’s tangible benefits and how it can enhance daily productivity.

How to Journal Effectively According to Science

Journaling and Time Management: A Powerful Tool

Journaling can initially seem intimidating, but it’s a simple habit that brings many practical benefits.

Using a journal, you can track your progress, identify your priorities, and focus on what truly matters.

This structured approach helps to reduce anxiety related to managing multiple daily tasks.

Journaling is more than just writing down personal thoughts.

Journals are an excellent way to organize your daily life, allowing you to track tasks, appointments, and better structure your schedule.

According to the study titled “Tools for the Formation of a Universal Competence for Managing Your Time”, journals (or “diaries”) are an essential tool for better time management.

They not only help track tasks and appointments but also help you identify the best journal formats for your needs.

A comparative analysis of different journal types, such as bullet journals, daily planners, or digital journals, along with the study of national and international practices, provides a complete view of the most effective methods for optimizing time management.

For example, a bullet journal combines task management with a creative touch, while a daily planner helps structure each hour of the day precisely.

Mindfulness and Productivity: The Power of Bullet Journaling

For those seeking to combine organization and creativity, bullet journaling is particularly appealing.

The study “The Point of a Bullet Journal” shows that this method combines mindfulness with productivity.

By structuring tasks while offering a space for creative expression, the bullet journal helps you stay focused on priorities while maintaining mental balance.

Creative expression can relieve the mind, reduce stress, and make planning more enjoyable, contributing to better time management by making the organization process more motivating and engaging.

This approach makes daily task organization easier while encouraging creative and effective planning.

For instance, you can personalize your pages with drawings, colors, and diagrams to make planning more fun and motivating.

Client Testimonials

Testimonial from Rémy

Here’s a concrete example illustrating the impact of journaling and time management coaching:

“I wanted to start a new activity alongside my job. I wasn’t sure exactly what to pursue and had been going in circles for months. In just a few sessions, Danilo helped me clearly identify an idea that fit me perfectly, and then helped me overcome significant internal blocks that were holding me back. Thank you, Danilo!”

This type of experience shows how documenting thoughts and goals can help bring solutions to light and foster progress.

Testimonial from Farid Rezgui

Another testimonial highlights the positive impact of journaling and priority management coaching:

“The experience with Danilo was very positive. In my IT job, I struggled with organization. We went through a listening and analysis phase before starting practical work. Danilo knows his subject very well and listens closely to adapt the work to our own difficulties/expectations. It was a real pleasure to work with him.”

This testimony also demonstrates how a personalized approach to journaling can help improve organization and overcome specific challenges.

Identifying Obstacles and Planning Proactively

Journaling can also improve time management by fostering greater self-awareness and identifying productivity barriers.

According to the study “Journaling: A Learning Tool for Project Management Training”, journaling encourages proactive planning that translates into improved performance, both individually and within teams.

For example, using a journal to plan the steps of a complex project allows you to anticipate potential obstacles and define specific actions to undertake, facilitating time management and improving efficiency.

This helps you identify disruptive elements and plan solutions to manage them better, making your days smoother.

For instance, a weekly analysis of journal entries can help identify recurring patterns of interruptions or unproductive tasks.

Journaling and Reflection for Early Childhood Professionals

Journaling is also a valuable tool for professionals working in busy environments like early childhood.

The study “Reflecting and Journaling” suggests that journaling improves reflection, time management, and productivity, even in demanding settings.

For instance, early childhood professionals can note the day’s key events, reflect on successful activities, and plan concrete improvements.

By taking time to reflect on their practices daily or weekly, professionals can better organize their days and optimize their schedules.

How to Start Journaling to Improve Your Time Management?

To enhance your time management with journaling, start by choosing a format that suits you: a bullet journal, a classic journal, or even a digital app like Notion, Evernote, or Day One, which are very popular for their flexibility and advanced features.

Set your daily and weekly goals, track your tasks, and take time to reflect on your progress.

Each weekend, for example, review completed tasks and any pending ones, and adjust your priorities for the upcoming week.

Experiment with different methods until you find the one that works best for you.


In conclusion, journaling is a versatile tool that can significantly improve your time management, productivity, and even mental well-being.

To start, you might opt for a bullet journal that allows you to plan your days with a creative touch, or a digital journal that makes organization more flexible and accessible.

If you’re wondering how to journal to improve your time management, know that this practice will help you stay organized, plan proactively, and make the most out of each day.

Whether you choose a bullet journal or a more traditional journal, this practice will help you stay organized, plan proactively, and make the most out of each day.

If you are interested in the topic of productivity, I invite you to discover all my articles on productivity.

If you are looking for tools to improve your time management skills, I recommend you read my article on the best time management apps.

If you want to take advantage of the expertise of a time management coach, write to us now using our contact form or call us by phone or on WhatsApp at +33 6 69 46 03 79.

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Français Comment faire du journaling pour améliorer la gestion de votre temps

ItalianoCome usare il journaling per migliorare la gestione del tempo

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