How to manage information overload to stay productive

How to manage information overload to stay productive

6 tips for managing information overload

In this article, I will illustrate how to deal with information overload and its impact on your productivity at work and in life in general.

If you are struggling to manage the flow of information at work and in your personal life, in this article you will find useful information to become more productive, improve the quality of your life and achieve your goals.

What is information overload or infobesity?

Information overload or infobesity refers to the difficulty your brain has in effectively managing the information it is dealing with.

Why should you learn to better manage information overload?

Because according to Welz (2010) information overload decreases the quality of decisions, increases the time needed to make a decision and increases confusion about the decision.

It is therefore obvious that poor information management can have a negative impact on decision making, priority management and on the actions that you implement.

Here are some actionable tips to reduce information overload.

1 – Focus on what is important for the execution of your task

Doing this will allow you to reduce the cognitive overload related to the limits of your working memory or short-term memory.

The brain cannot handle too much information in an efficient manner.

If you give it too much, you lose your efficiency.

By focusing only on those elements that are essential to the execution of your task, you will be capable of optimizing your memory and your attention span.

You will then be able to process the information at your disposal more efficiently and act more effectively and quickly.

Practical tip

Define the main goal of each task and the information needed to achieve it.

2 – Reduce distractions

When you start working on your most important tasks of the day, it is essential not only to focus on what is vital to the accomplishment of your work but also to remove external distractions.

Your habits are the first distracting factor to master.

If you have the habit of multitasking, limit it to tasks that require little concentration and that are less important to you.

If when you are on the Internet, you usually have several windows open in your browser, limit yourself to those that are essential while carrying out your most strategic activities.

Practical tip

Identify the negative habit that most influences your information overload and take the first action to start eliminating them.

3 – Manage the stress of missing information

While you’re working, even if you follow the previous tips, it’s very likely that your brain won’t leave you in peace by engaging you with many ideas that aren’t always related to the accomplishment of your tasks.

A very effective way to reduce information overload, without forgetting important ideas, is to write down your thoughts so that you can revisit them only after you have finished your work.

Practical tip

Choose the most convenient medium to store additional information coming from your thoughts and use this support constantly to decrease the information overload.

4 – Become aware of your excuses

Among the different thoughts, you will have while you are working, some of them will be excuses and their purpose is to find reasons for not changing your habits.

As you know, most of your behaviors are driven by your unconscious through the repetition of different actions.

These behaviors over time create habits and these habits are supported by thought systems and therefore by beliefs.

These beliefs can be expressed through excuses that may hinder the implementation of new decisions and more productive behaviors.

Practical tip

Select one of your excuses and try to identify the limiting belief that underlies it. If you are unable to do this, you can take advantage of the expertise of a life coach.

5 – Work in a calm environment

The physical location in which you work can also be a source of distraction.

For example, if you work in a confusing environment, you will be less able to focus on what matters most to you.

If you work in an environment where you are constantly in contact with other people who do not respect your work, you need to learn how to be assertive by setting new rules. If that doesn’t work, then it’s a good idea to move to a different workplace.

If you have a manager who disturbs you all the time, explain that you need not be interrupted constantly in order to complete your tasks on time.

If you are self-employed, communicate to your clients, prospects, suppliers, the hours when they can reach you, and those when you are not available.

Practical tip

Identify what you can do today to start creating a calmer work environment.

6 – Keep your action plan in front of you

An effective way to reduce information overload is to prepare your to-do list ahead of time and keep it in front of you all the time.

However, this doesn’t always work.

If this is your situation, do not just make a to-do list but schedule each task and each break in the correct order so that you can move from one activity to the next one without losing time.

This involves creating a detailed action plan that will show you throughout your day what tasks need to be done without you having to think about them.

Practical tip

Every night, prepare your action plan and follow it to improve your productivity.

Conclusion on how to reduce information overload

In this article, I have provided you with six tips on how to reduce information overload in order to improve your productivity.

To go further on the topic of productivity, I suggest you read the following articles: 14 tips to be productive at work and in your private life and 13 scientifically proven tips to become organized at work.

If you are interested in the topic of productivity, I invite you to discover all my articles on productivity.

If you are looking for tools to improve your time management skills, I recommend you read my article on the best time management apps.

If you want to learn how to manage your time, I invite you to find out more about our online time management course.

To take advantage of the expertise of a time management coach, write to us now using our contact form, call us at +33 6 69 46 03 79 or contact us on WhatsApp at +33 6 69 46 03 79.

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