Some effective tips from a time management speaker
Looking for an effective time management speaker?
I have developed extensive expertise in time management and productivity in my coaching practice.
My work is based on psychological research and on the most effective strategies I have been able to use in my professional coaching practice.
I will share with you all my experience in effective time management and help you succeed in all areas of life.
If you feel like you’re always rushing without feeling satisfied and being able to achieve your goals, you should keep reading this article.
Before we get into what I can do for you, I’d like to share with you some helpful tips to start better managing your time and becoming more productive.
1 – Learn how to manage your time effectively
Time is the most important and the most democratic resource we have.
We all have 24 hours available to us, but some people maximize their time efficiency while others feel like they’re not getting anywhere despite their best efforts.
But what are the prerequisites for good time management?
Good time management starts with identifying and prioritizing your most important values.
Next, it is necessary to define your most important goals and become aware of what motivates you the most to achieve them.
Finally, it is important to plan and execute the actions that will allow you to achieve goals consistent with your values.
But once you have done this, it is critical to optimize your time as much as possible.
One way to do this is to plan in advance the most important tasks of your day.
My advice is to plan them in the evening before going to bed and ideally always at the same time.
This ritual will save you at least 30 minutes of time each day because, unlike others, you won’t have to waste time each morning deciding which actions to take first.
You’ll take action immediately, keep your commitments more often, and feel more motivated.
2 – Understand why it is important to prioritize tasks
It’s very easy to become overwhelmed by the number of activities we want to accomplish each day.
We often find ourselves juggling multiple projects and responsibilities but not having enough time to complete them all.
This can lead us to put off the most important activities and not finish what we have started.
This is called procrastination. Procrastination is an obstacle that you must overcome because if you do not take action, you will not be able to accomplish your projects.
Learning to prioritize your tasks and plan them out is a great way to avoid procrastination.
You can prioritize your work based on the importance of the task at hand, in which case you will start managing your most useful activities first to achieve your goals.
But you can also schedule your work based on your chronotype, that is, the time of the day when you feel most productive.
It is during these specific times that you will begin to perform your most essential activities.
3 – Discover the tools that will help you get more done
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to accomplish, it’s a good idea to use time management techniques.
These tools will help you better manage your time so you can focus on getting the essential tasks done and avoid spending time trying to figure out how to get everything done.
You can use a to-do list, but in order for it to be effective, it is crucial to make sure that each scheduled task is associated with one of your most important goals.
You can use many tools to manage your projects and goals. But these tools will not help you if you do not improve your lifestyle and habits upstream.
If you have a lifestyle that does not allow you to perform at your best because you are tired all the time, you will not be able to complete your most important activities.
Aspects such as a good quality of sleep, a physical activity routine, eating a balanced diet, and learning to better manage stress are essential for your well-being and productivity.
Developing better habits is also necessary if you want to improve your efficiency and daily satisfaction.
Creating good behaviors is important because it will allow you to do what is needed to achieve your goals even when you may feel unmotivated to do something.
First, it is essential to be aware of the habits you already have.
Then, you can identify the side benefits of those unproductive habits so you can find better ways to satisfy them.
After that, you can begin to create new habits using two cognitive-behavioral tools.
They are implementation intentions and mental contrast.
Implementation intentions are if-then statements that create a different behavioral intention to facilitate the execution of the new behavior.
Mental contrast is the process of identifying in advance all the probable obstacles that might prevent us from implementing the desired behavior and finding solutions in advance to overcome those same obstacles.
For greater effectiveness, you can combine implementation intentions with mental contrasting.
4 – Find out how to make better use of your time
There are several ways to improve the way you use your time.
One is to set goals and deadlines.
This allows us to prioritize what we need to accomplish each day.
You can also set up a personal organization system that allows us to easily see what needs to be done next.
As previously mentioned, we should also try to avoid procrastination as much as possible, as it takes away our time, energy, motivation, and self-esteem.
But what can you do to make better use of your time?
My advice is to first become aware of how you currently use your time.
You can do this by writing down in your agenda the amount of time you allocate to each of your activities.
To go further, you can also write down the moments of procrastination, how long they last, the need met by this procrastination, and what you think triggered it.
Doing this for a few days will allow you to have the first understanding of your functioning, your strengths, and what you need to improve in order to become more efficient and more fulfilled in your life.
Then, in the second step, you can start to change your behavior by focusing on one specific aspect.
Look for, find and test a solution to make sure it helps you progress, if not, try something different until you reach a sustainable solution that fits your situation and needs.
5 – Learn the importance of delegation
Delegation is one of the most powerful strategies we have.
It allows you to focus on the most important things while letting others handle the less essential tasks.
If you delegate effectively, you can free yourself to focus more on the tasks that really matter to you.
But first, it’s essential to learn how to delegate well.
Here’s how I suggest you do it.
Start by identifying the tasks you want to delegate. You can use tools like the Eisenhower matrix to do this.
Then, write a list of the tasks you want to delegate and rank them according to the time you will save by delegating them.
Also, identify the amount of time it takes to train someone to perform each task and the level of difficulty for each task.
Then, start delegating the activity that is both the easiest to perform and the one that will save you the most time.
Starting with this task will allow you to familiarize yourself with the delegation and to test the reliability of the person you have chosen while avoiding experiencing failures for more complex tasks right away.
Also be careful not to make the most common mistakes in the delegation, such as not spending enough time training the person or not clearly communicating what you expect from others.
Now, that you have learned some useful and easy-to-follow tips to become more productive and fulfilled, I propose to see in more detail the main topics, on which you can benefit from the skills of a coach or speaker on time management and productivity.
What are the benefits of hiring a time management speaker?
Here are the main advantages:
- offer to wider audience interventions on multiple themes of time management and productivity
- benefit from the expertise of a time management coach for individual or team coaching
- enable your employees to better manage stress at work while improving their productivity
If you are interested in the topic of productivity, I invite you to discover all my articles on productivity.
If you are looking for tools to improve your time management skills, I recommend you read my article on the best time management apps.
To benefit from the expertise of a time management speaker, write to us through our contact form, or call us at +33 (0) 6 69 46 03 79 or on WhatsApp.