Are you experiencing troubles in communicating with your partner? If you are looking for a way to improve your marriage, you should read this article about how to overcome communication breakdowns in your relationship.
Everyday relationship life can challenge you when you don’t know how to overcome communication breakdowns in your rapport with your partner. The reasons for these problems are not always easy to understand. In this article, you will learn how to use your partner’s needs and yours to unlock the communication with your partner.
The twelfth goal of couple communication: how to overcome communication breakdown in your relationship
The twelfth goal of couple communication consists in accepting that your partner does not like to talk about some topics.
Doing so is extremely difficult especially if you are someone who strongly needs to express and share your emotions to create a better understanding with your partner.
If your partner does not want to communicate about a given situation, it is really likely that this subject provokes in her or him, uncomfortable emotions that she or he considers especially difficult to handle.
You could even have felt yourself rejected because of your partner’s behavior and convinced not to be loved anymore. In most cases, it is only a misperception. In fact, you are not rejected. Your partner rejects a part of her or his own personality that she or he could not effectively manage yet. Pay attention not to constantly push your partner to these psychologically difficult experiences. That is because by doing so you could push your beloved away from you.
In order to help you to surmount these communication challenges, I suggest you to answer these questions:
Among the topics you would like to talk about with your partner, which ones do prevent her or him to communicate with you?
Which needs are you trying to satisfy when you attempt to speak about these difficult subjects with your partner?
What could you differently do in order to contemporaneously satisfy your partner’s needs and yours?
What could you do to help your partner to better manage her or his personal challenges?
After having answered these questions, please do immediately something in order to overcome any communication breakdown in your relationship.
Now that you have just read this article, please find below a list of things you could do:
- Feel free to share it on social media, or with people who share your interest in this area.
- Let us know the topics you want us to write about.
- Write to us in the contact page if you want to have more insight about how to overcome communication breakdowns in your relationship.
- Continue to read our past articles related to relationship communication:
- How to understand your partner’s viewpoint
- How to clearly expose your viewpoint
- How to be sure your partner fully understands your viewpoint
- How to bring back the conversation to the current topics of your relationship
- How to better appreciate your partner
- How to foster constructive communication in your relationship
- How to nurture your relationship
- How to be happier in your relationship using assertiveness
- Why relationship routine is not always bad
- How to get rid of online couple forums
- How to save your relationship
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