Are you experiencing a crisis in your relationship and you don’t know what to do? This article will teach you how to use your emotions and automatic responses to save your relationship.
Is it really possible to save a couple facing an important crisis? The answer is yes, if love is still there and if partners are ready to improve the quality of their communication. Emotional awareness and automatic responses are two fundamental tools every couple should master. By mastering these two patterns, most of the conflicts can easily and effectively be solved. If you need to overcome a relationship challenge, you should keep on reading this article.
The eleventh goal of couple communication
The eleventh goal of couple communication consists in consciously deciding the answer you give to your partner’s behavior. In order to do that, you have to move from the automatic pilot way to a consciously prepared way. That will allows you to communicate by being fully aware of the way you communicate. Consequently, you will use the emotions you feel to better communicate with your partner.
When your partner act in a way you don’t like, you often react automatically to her/his behavior. Over the years, these automatic responses have become stronger and stronger.
These automatic behaviors don’t represent your character. They are mental shortcuts your brain has developed to simplify daily interaction with you beloved. Some shortcuts are useful but some others can damage the well-being and happiness of your relationship.
For this reason, the best way not to “suffer” from your partner’s behavior anymore is to choose in advance the way you respond to her/his behavior.
Here are some questions that can help you to take control of your communication by properly using emotions and actions.
Which between my partner’s behaviors cause me the most troubles?
How do I feel when I automatically react to these behaviors?
How should I act differently to feel good despite my partner’s behaviors?
What other meaning could I give to my partner’s behavior to better handle it?
If you answer these questions you will increase your chances to save your couple and improve the quality of your relationship. By conveniently using your emotions and by consciously choosing the way you respond to your partner, you will become responsible again for the future of your relationship.
Now that you have just read this article, please find below a list of things you could do:
- Feel free to share it on social media, or with people who share your interest in this area.
- Let us know the topics you want us to write about.
- Write to us in the contact page if you want to have more insight about how to save your couple from breakup and improve your relationship.
- Continue to read our past articles related to relationship communication:
- How to understand your partner’s viewpoint
- How to clearly expose your viewpoint
- How to be sure your partner fully understands your viewpoint
- How to bring back the conversation to the current topics of your relationship
- How to better appreciate your partner
- How to foster Constructive communication in your relationship
- How to nurture your relationship
- How to be happier in your relationship using assertiveness
- Why relationship routine is not always bad
- How to get rid of online couple forums
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